Allen Bradley Vs Siemens

by Raju

- With Siemens it is possible to download an individual Function block. With Allen Bradley there is no possibility to download an individual routine. This is big disadvantage if the system is running and you have modified something offline.

- The trace function in Control Logix is very useful. I have not seen a similar function in Siemens PLC though it is available in Simotion drives.

- The Siemens optional package of S7 Graph is much better than that available in Allen Bradley.

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Like Both AB and Siemens
by: Ixil ; Italy

Rockwell's programming tool (RSLogix) is miles better than TIA portal (V1x) of Siemens: it is more intuitive, more fast and requires more or less 1/3 of PC resources.

Siemens S71200, the entry level PLC is ages better than the A&B Micrologix, so these PLCs, compared, give the point to Siemens instead of Rockwell.

Query on Allen Bradley vs Siemens Products
by: Anonymous

Hi, Just wanted to understand more differences between these two products (Allen Bradley vs Siemens), difference in terms of technology, software it uses, functional differences etc.

If anyone can share or suggest material which can list down detailed differences will be highly appreciated.

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